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So today was fun. We went to the Navy Pier. For breakfast me and my dad went to a cafe like place on the pier. I got a huge burger with blue cheese and all the fixings. I think the best part about it was that it was on a pretzel bun. I thought that it was really good. i still like the burgers at Nations Giant Hambergers altho i did like the hard bun.

After that we just walked around and did lots of the attractions they had on the pier. We played mini golf… i beat my dad so bad!

After that we went into an air conditioned room and had some Mexican food. I ordered a taco salad and laughed when they gave me salad dressing… it was the same as the salsa they gave us with the chips.

Then we did something that wasn’t the smartest thing i have ever done… we went on a ride that spins you around and around…and around… didn’t feel so good afterward.