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today was mostly a looking around day. The main things that we did was to go to a planetarium that i really enjoyed. I got to learn many things that is did not know. Then we went to an aquarium. i especially enjoyed it because  i used to want to be a marine biologist.

After that comes the main food of the day. A traditional Chicago hot dog.  The hot dog is topped with yellow mustard, chopped white onions, sweet pickle relish(often a dyed neon-green variety, sometimes called piccalilli), a dill pickle spear, tomato slices or wedges, pickled sport peppers, and a dash of celery salt. it was very good surprisingly. i did not think that i would like it but it was very good.


  1. Is it already day 7? Your trip is flying by. But, you two are doing a lot of amazing things. The hot dogs in “Chi town” are delicious. Sounds like you are getting some educational things in as well. How long will you be in Chicago before you head down route 66? That’s your real destination, I guess. But, in the meantime, it’s fun to discover new places and make new memories. Thanks for your interesting blog. We are all enjoying the trip right along with you two. I still can’t get over how deep and thick that deep dish pizza was – and that was a small??? Retha

  2. Sounds like you are really enjoying yourself son while at the same time learning in many ways. I enjoy every detail you share. The hot dog looked fun on your dads pics you describe. Lots of condiments on there for sure. Did I ever mention to you the historical use for condiments was for digestive aids( Ketchup used to be fermented among other beneficial things) and when made traditionally ( without all the modern methods, ie high-fructose corn syrup) would be added to a meal for that reason vs. taste alone? I loved your descriptive words above (dyed neon-green variety). Sure brought the experience to life and I could almost taste it. I sure look forward to your next encounter on your journey. 🙂

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