Now we are getting down to the nitty gritty! We went to Chicago. Day 1 consisted of the Museum of Science and Industry, The Willits Tower, and a taste of Taste of Chicago.
The Museum of Science and Industry has always been a childhood favorite of mine. I remember going there several times. Not sure why we would stop in Chicago. We would typically go through Chicago on our way to Rockton. Maybe it was when we’d visit mom’s mom. She was in Chicago. Anyway, I always enjoyed it. There are some things that haven’t changed, but several that have. It’s even different from when I was there 16 years ago. I remember being able to go up the stairs to the front entrance.
See the building on the left? That’s where we actually entered. They have their own version of Body Works, but it costs an arm and a leg, so we didn’t do it. I remember when it was free to get into the museum. Not any more. It’s $15 to get in and $8 for the Omnimax Movie. However, with our Go Chicago 3-day pass card, we get in to both. The show they were playing was Tornado Alley. It was about storm chasers. One even built his own vehicle so he could get film from the inside of a tornado. It was a fascinating show.
Back out in the main museum we saw …
This submarine has been around for quite a while. I think I remember it when I went to he museum as a kid.
And something bigger than Trevor! :O)
And my family will remember the big heart you could walk through. Well, it isn’t there any more. However, in its place is a more interactive exhibit. You hold a couple of bars and it shows you your heart beat. Similar to what you might have at the gym, only much cooler! Here is Trevor’s.
And here is something for my first born! :O)
And my new commute car!
And a gift for my wife!
Well .. enough of the Museum of Science and Industry. Next we went to … well .. I think I’ll let you guess.
Can’t figure it out? How about this one?
Yes .. we are in the Sears (Willits) Tower on the 103rd floor. Not only that, but we both went out to the edge. And yes, I was scared to death! I’m glad I make it to Chicago every 16 years!
All that fright sure works up an appetite. So, we went to Giordano’s.
It’s obviously an Italian place. Trevor wanted the pizza and I was thinking of having the Italian Beef Sandwich. We opted for the pizza and I’m glad I did. It was excellent.
Did we finish it? What a silly question.
We did more on Chicago Day 1, but I might leave that for another post. The hotel is still having problems with their wi-fi (aka it doesn’t work). I am in the lobby, hardwired to their switch, in order to post. I am currently a day behind, because we just finished Day 2 in Chicago. I’ll try to update again tomorrow.
Until then.
How wonderful you got to share your childhood museum with both your sons now. It does look interesting. I’m glad Jack mentioned to get a picture of the two of you because the look on your face on the transparent ledge is priceless! What an experience you two are having. I happy for you that you were able to conquer your fears. I like the pizza presentation on the pedestal. I think its a good place to be for a great pizza.:-)p.s. Thanks for the chicks.
You’re quite welcome. The chicks were in the genetics lab, so I don’t know if they were just hatching them or engineering them. Several were in the process of hatching, but little kids had their faces pressed to the glass and I couldn’t get a picture.
Did you eldest son see the picture I left for him?
Whoa – I could never “go out on a ledge” like you two did, pun intended! :O) You guys are brave. It’s an amazing view, but too scary for me. The pizza looked really delicious. Deep dish – and how huge it was! I don’t think you can get that here. I’m glad you two are having such a great time. Enjoyed reading both of your blogs. Retha
Retha, yeah .. when they say “don’t look down” .. they really mean it .. DO NOT LOOK DOWN. I had to back my way in holding onto the wall. I had to scoot myself out rather than stand up. No .. I don’t plan on doing that again.
The pizza is a small 10″ pie. It serves 1-2. You’d have to be pretty hungry to eat the entire thing. But with two people, like Trevor and myself, it’s not that bad.
Giordano’s was featured on one of those food shows. I’m not sure which one. Maybe Man v. Food. Actually, I just checked the Travel Channel and they were featured on Pizza Paradise. Just a small blurb, but a blurb nonetheless.
Love your blogs you two. It’s great traveling with you guys via your web site blogs. Great pics and descriptions. It’s fun to travel vicariously with you two, and it’s not costing me a cent! Have fun you two. Retha
I have been enjoying your travel logs! The picture of the pizza was stunning to me! I never realized that deep dish was so, well…..DEEP! I guess a girl could manage one piece!
The pic of you and Trevor on the glass shelf was great! You are a brave man! I don’t know how much courage I would have when faced with such an opportunity!
I was also touched that you took pictures of baby chicks for your dear wife! That was so sweet! I know how much she would love to raise a brood of her own! Think of the endless supply of eggs you could consume??? 😀
Yeah .. it was an amazing pie. The glass shelf? Yeah .. scared to death I was. I had to back in and hang on to the wall. I looked down once and almost backed out of the whole thing. Please don’t ask me to do that again. I was going to get a picture straight down through my feet, but I couldn’t get off of that thing fast enough!
Thank you father for that. cant go anywhere without the man of steel. 🙂
You looked really uneasy sitting on that ledge. lol
Ya think?!?
When we stopped in Chicago it was specifically to go to the Museum of Science and Industry. Mom was still living in Rockton at the time.